Prohibitive signs are used in almost any public space. In simple words, these are special door and wall plaques that inform visitors about activities that are not allowed in a space. Prohibitive signs do not perform a wayfinding function but they do navigate guests in terms of explaining the rules of the facility, which is extremely important in public spaces where general safety depends on the actions of each particular individual.
Prohibitive signs are quite easy to understand and comprehend because they convey a clear message. This is especially relevant for high-quality information items made by the most experienced and talented crafters from the Bsign Store. But before you go there and start adding items to your cart, let us explore more about prohibitive signs.
Why Do You Even Need to Prohibit Something?
Of course, if you offer access to your public space, the first thing you are aiming for is the comfort of your visitors. It is an extremely important part of interior planning but it should not be supreme to safety, and therefore, safety should not be sacrificed for the sake of comfort.
Safety is a complex matter and we dare not say that attaching a prohibitive sign to the wall is the only thing you need to establish an efficient safety system. Nonetheless, a prohibitive sign is an important part of this system. A prohibitive sign in a public space is the easiest way to inform your visitors about the rules of the place. This gives them a clue that the rules have to be followed, which means something.
Moreover, neglecting the safety of a public facility might lead to legal consequences. You should inform your visitors that access to certain areas is strongly prohibited for non-staff because unauthorised entrance might lead to very unpredictable scenarios.
Anyway, prohibition is not the only instrument to establish a safe environment. We suggest that prohibitive signs should be used in combination with informative and evacuation signs that might instruct people inside the building on what they should do during an emergency.
Tips to Make Prohibitive Signs More Efficient
- Use red color: Radiant red color is what helps quickly grasp the attention of a visitor. More than that, this color evokes a clear association that something is forbidden due to possibly dangerous consequences it might result in.
- Simple pictograms: An easy-to-understand symbol is the key element of a prohibitive sign. After a first glance, a person should understand what exact action is prohibited. Do you forbid smoking or using sticks? Do you ban bringing pets or giving them food?
- Durability: A durable prohibitive sign is your guarantee that the information printed on the plate will not fade and will keep informing your visitors about prohibited activities. Opt for wall plates made of acrylic glass, stainless steel, or solid wood.
To sum it up, safety is a whole complex of steps you need to take if you want to make sure that your visitors’ and employees’ lives will not be endangered while in your place. The use of prohibitive signs is a small but important step you should not neglect or underestimate.